Monday, April 25, 2011

Buy One - Get One FREE Book Fair

May 4-6 in the Multipurpose Room
Wednesday: Preview Day - no sales
Thursday: Book Fair open for sales - 8am-3pm and 5:30pm-7:30pm
Friday: Final sales - morning only

Flyers will be coming home with students on Monday, May 2nd! 
See you at the Book Fair!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day Week

In honor of Earth Day this week, we read a final Mary Lyn Ray picture book called Welcome, Brown Bird. It's the story of a wood thrush who travels between the homes of two boys - one who lives in hemlock woods in the north and another who lives in the tropical rain forest of the south. Both families protect the habitat of the migrating thrush because they so enjoy listening to its song. Many children said they've heard it here in New Hampton - have you?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Special Visit

Last Friday, NH author Mary Lyn Ray visited classrooms and listened to students read their writing. She answered some questions that had been raised when we read this book, All Aboard, in ICT classes - and she also autographed the book for us! Thanks, Mary Lyn Ray!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Making Art Digital

Fourth graders recently completed a piece of artwork with Mrs. Plante-Renault. Then they photographed it to make it digital. Here's Jake's excellent depiction of Fenway Park. Can you guess what will happen to it next?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Free Math Apps

Beginning today and for four days only, Everyday Mathematics® is offering free math game apps for your iPhone, an iTouch, or iPad. These games are the same as the Everyday Math online games students play on comptuers and they're electronic versions of the games each grade level plays in class. These games reinforce major concepts presented in our math program. To find the games, go to the iTunes App Store, then search for Everyday Mathematics. After April 16th, the games will go back to their original price - so get them while you can!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fun with Pattern Blocks

Pattern blocks are a math manipulative that students use in class to explore math concepts. Kidspiration, a graphic program that we have on the computers, has a virtual pattern block component. This week, first graders were "building" with them, using many of the same techniques used in more sophisticated paint and drawing programs - with a little word processing for practice.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Fifth graders have started a research project, with each student choosing their own topic of interest. As we work on this from week to week, we'll be reviewing all that we know about searching the internet, identifying credible resources and obeying copyright law. Watch this place for some examples of finished products!