Monday, March 15, 2010

Many Ways to Concord

Using GoogleMaps, third graders tracked many different routes to get from New Hampton to Concord - straight down Route 93, south on 132 to Route 4, out through Bristol and Franklin...

We discussed how the internet is a lot like the roads to Concord. There are so many different ways to get from the student to the information the student seeks! We learned about effective searching and choosing keywords that will lead to the correct information. We learned about directories and saw how they're set up in categories and subcategories.

We tried out the search engine and directory features for YahooKids, KidsClick, AskKids, and Quintara for Kids. We looked at the number of hits for a keyword using KidsClick and compared it to the same search using Google. Kids' search engines usually only show results that are readable and useful for students, making finding what we want a LOT easier!