Monday, May 10, 2010

Famous NH Fourth Graders

Mr. McCann's fourth graders made an iMovie of their recorded presentations about famous NH personalities. They took artwork they scanned previously and, through the magic of technology (actually, chroma editing software ), they inserted their digital drawings behind their digital selves.
Students made titles slides, then compressed their movies and saved them to their digital portfolios.
Way to go, 4Mc!

Kindergarten Paints!

In ICT class, kindergartners have been painting! Using a free paint program, they've learned about brush sizes and color selection and how to use "Magic" to fill color inside the lines.

This student made a scuba diver swimming under water. In the coming weeks, children will be drawing and painting a picture that will become the first artifact in their digital portfolios!

The program we use is called TuxPaint and it's free! You can download your own copy right here!