Friday, September 30, 2011

Ladybug Book #2: In The Wild

In The Wild by New Hampshire author David Elliott is a collection of short poems about wild animals. Primary grade students listened to these poems, then visited the author's website to hear some of the poems read aloud. We noticed that the online version of the poems had music and animal noises in the background to enhance the setting of the poem. Take a listen for yourself!

This book is nominated for the NH Ladybug Award. The illustrations are done with woodcuts and watercolor paint.

Kindergartners also visited Bembo's Zoo, where letters make animal sounds and turn into wild creatures!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

2011 NH Ladybug Awards

Every fall, kindergarten, first, and second graders have the opportunity to see and hear the picture books that are nominated for our state's award, the Ladybug Award, in preparation for voting for their favorite in November. Oddly enough, two of this year's nominees were already in our library so many of the children have heard City Dog, Country Frog and Interrupting Chicken.

NHCS loves cookies!
This week's Ladybug-nominated book was The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson. It's a funny rhyming story about a cow who is always eating cookies. After we read the book, we visited the author's website, then made a Wordle showing our favorite cookies. Here's a combination of two classes responses  - can you tell by the size which is our favorite kind of cookie?

Off to a Great Start!

We've just finished our third full week of ICT classes and we're settling into a routine. New accounts are working well and, for the most part, students remember and are adept at using the strong passwords they've made! As older children were setting up their accounts, they had a lesson on captcha, those  funny squiggly words you have to type sometimes to prove you're a human! Everyone's had a review of library procedures and we're learning the new ones associated with our Library Management System. No more sign-out cards for us! More about that soon! Finally, we've had a chance to look at some of the new books and materials in our Library Media Center and many of them are now out on loan. It's been a great September!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda is a great book about a kid named Dwight with a skill of making origami. One day he decides to make an origami Yoda.

Origami Yoda gives advice to the kids in school. This book is filled with different stories from different kids and their experiences with Origami Yoda. This is a great book to read because it has humor and lots of spirit. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good laugh.

And if you ever need advice, Yoda is your guy.

Submitted by JW, who also made the origami Yoda, shown.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Just like a kid, I am always so excited to be back in school! It's wonderful to see the children again, to see how they've grown and changed and to hear about their summer adventures - and their summer reading!

It was a short week but a busy one in our first ICT classes. Grades 2-5 have been creating strong passwords for their new accounts, that is, passwords that are easy to remember yet difficult to figure out. Ask your student how he or she will remember the new password they're creating.

When you come to Open House on Thursday night, swing by the Library Media Center to see some of the new materials we have. And don't forget to visit the Scholastic Book Fair - click here for a preview!