Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summertime - and the reading is easy...

Summer's here and it's a great time to read! The Gordon-Nash Library has its summer reading program starting soon so head on down there and check it out. Here's a list of great summer reads from the folks at Reading Rockets. Check out the videos of summer reading books at YahooKids! Borders has a program for kids' summer reading: read 10 books (any ones you like!), download and complete the form, and bring it into the store to get a free book! They're Double-Dog-Dare-ing you to do this!
Reading a good book? Tell us about it in the comment space, below. What's it about? Why do you like it? Which parts are the best and why? Do you recommend it to other summer readers?
Look over on the right in the sidebar, under the crazy analog clock. There's a poll about places to read in the summertime. What's your favorite reading spot? Vote, then see the results so far!
Have a wonderful summer of fun - and reading!

Friday, June 18, 2010


In the last weeks of school in ICT class, fourth and fifth grade students were involved in activities and discussions about online behaviors and cyberbullying. Here's the link to the information sent home with students.

Spend some time this summer with your child learning about the ways he or she uses (or wants to use!) technology. Ask questions and encourage demonstrations of knowledge and skills. Kids love to show what they know!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Social Networking and More

Thanks to the parents and students who attended last night's meeting on Facebook privacy, online safety, and cyberbullying. We had brief presentation and then lots of good discussion about the importance of (and the frustrations with) keeping our students safe online. If you missed the meeting, two of the handouts are available, here and here.

We all agreed that the internet is much different now for our children than it was even five short years ago. It takes all of us to be sure online experiences for your student are safe - and fun!

Special thank-yous to Mrs. Cook, our Guidance Councilor and to NHCS's DARE Officer Jeff Cagle for contributing their expertise to this evening. Stay tuned! More to come next year!!