Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Backpack Books

As third graders, we can take our library books home with us! If we keep our book in our backpack, it will never get lost. It will not get ruined by rain or mud or bird poop. It will be safe from pets and little children and from other things that could destroy it. If your book is in your backpack it will be with you all the time and you will be able to enjoy reading anywhere - at home, in the classroom, in the after school program, in the car or on the bus. You will always have a good book with you that you can read!

written by NHCS Third Graders

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to School!

It's the night before school starts and I know I won't be able to go to sleep! Did you know teachers get excited about the first day of school, too?

There are big changes in the Library Media Center! First of all, we have new books - a lot of them! We have new series books, like Dragonbreath and the Kylie Jean sets. There are new graphic novels, including a set about dinosaurs, another book called Zita the Space Girl,and guess who's running for President? Babymouse! We have lots of picture books, including all the nominees for this year's New Hampshire Ladybug Award. One picture book that looks good already is Duckling Gets a Cookie, written by Mo Willems, who wrote Don't Let the Pigeon Drive The Bus! We have fiction I've been anxious to read myself - like Wildwood and Emily's Fortune. And we have the third Origami Yoda book, The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee! It was just published two weeks ago!

Another big change - we have more tables now! To make them fit, I had to make rows, and I had no place for the blue rug. It looks very different but I think you may like it - everyone faces the screen now!

The library bookcases are moved around, and we have cool red lines on the floor! Big changes! But one thing that's the same is me - and I can't wait until tomorrow to see you!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Great Week for Technology

You know I think technology is amazing! In just the first two days of this week, I've noticed two uses of technology that I can't stop marveling at!

The first deals with an athlete, Oscar Pistorius from South Africa, who was running in the 400 meter race at the London 2012 Olympics on prosthetic legs made of metal. This man has had artificial legs since he was a child, yet grew up playing rugby, tennis and water polo. He wanted to be a runner and an Olympic athlete so he worked and trained hard to make that happen. It was so inspiring to watch him run and to finish the race!

The second technological wonder this week is NASA's Curiosity, which has landed on the surface of Mars and has begun to explore it. Just think: scientists will actually be able to closely study a distant planet using this robotic technology. Here's one of the first pictures the Mars Rover has sent back to Earth. If you'd like to see other images from Curiosity, click for the NASA Image Gallery.

Have you found any amazing technology this summer? Tell us about it in the comment section, below!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Memiors of a Goldfish: The Play

Look! The theater company in Meredith is performing a musical version of the 2012 Ladybug Award winning book Memoirs of a Goldfish on August 10th and 11th. Here's the link for more information!